
Would you like to expand your own inner awareness and live life more fully with more joy?


Lady Belle Creations offers unique possibilities to create; providing space for personal insight and self-healing. Dedicated to serving individuals or groups of all ages, these opportunities allow for discovery, healing, and nurturing; Creating a change, a shift, a new becoming all through the exploration of the healing arts.

May your journey within reveal what is necessary, and right, for personal, spiritual, emotional and mental healing. May your journey illuminate your inner truth and inner wisdom.

I welcome and look forward to being of service. Contact me to customize a session, retreat, or a class created upon request for individuals, (adults or children), small groups, businesses, special events, support, or healing groups.


Mandala in Sanskrit means “sacred circle” and is used as a meditative focus and a creative process for self-discovery. Enjoy creating a mandala and gain insight and personal awareness while turning inward, to stillness and quiet.

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Healing Touch & Reiki

These therapeutic energetic modalities repair, rebalance one's energy field, clears, opens, removes, energetic blockages, and enhances the flow of energy throughout the body which help facilitate the body's innate healing mechanisms.

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Intuitive Readings

Unique and highly individual, these private sessions provide an opportunity to show you your strengths and abilities as well as shine a light on all that holds you back from your own greatness. Laurie uses her intuition (spiritual sight, knowing, hearing, and feeling) to gather information from your own spirit to share with you.

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Himalayan Singing Bowls

Every individual has a vibration that is a signature of their health and well-being. Enjoy a session as Laurie uses hand-hammered Himalayan Chakra bowls to bring you back into vibrational harmony.

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Zentangle® is an easy way of creating beautiful images by drawing structured patterns called tangles. It is a proven method to promote mindfulness, fosters self-esteem, focus, relaxation, creativity, and stress relief. People of all ages and skill levels can create Zentangle® art and have fun in the process

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Art and creating has always been a part of Laurie’s life. She creates, always working on a project or technique in calligraphy, paste paper, tea folding, rubber stamping, creating greeting cards, mosaics and drawing Zentangle.

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Happy Customers

I have taken several workshops with Laurie, including Zentangle and one-on-one sessions in energetic healing. All were life giving!

Kristen Hansen

Doing Zentangle with Laurie Bell is exciting and soothing all at the same time. She is a terrific teacher, so I understand all the directions quickly and feel very safe trying out the patterns. Although I have no faith in myself as an artist, when I do Zentangle with Laurie I create lovely pieces of art. I look forward to my next opportunity to do Zentangle with Laurie


Laurie's healing touch is a gift I regularly give to myself. Her intuitive knowledge of what I need each session is reassuring and comforting. I come away with renewed focus, new insights, and a calming peace within.
