
Healing Therapies

Laurie offers therapies which may influence you to discover, to heal, and to be nurtured.

When the body’s energy flows freely and vitalizes the cells of the organs, tissues, blood and bones at an optimal level, we are in perfect health. When this flow becomes blocked for any reason, the body cells, deprived of the essential life force, become weakened and eventually diseased.  To regain our health and wellbeing, we must begin by restoring our energy flow to a natural state of balance. When the energy system is repaired, energetic blockages removed, the physical body will start healing

Sound & Energy Healing therapies —  natural healing tools widely used throughout the world — may provide valuable benefits and insights necessary for healing your whole being; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Intuitive Reading, Laurie uses her intuition (spiritual sight, knowing, hearing, and feeling) to gather information from your own spirit to share with you. A reading can show you your strengths and abilities as well as shine a light on all that holds you back.

Healing Touch & Reiki

Are therapeutic energetic modalities which repairs and rebalances one’s energy field. It clears, opens, removes, energetic blockages and enhances the flow of energy throughout the body which facilitates the body’s innate healing mechanisms. Laurie has the ability to sense how energy flows and receives intuitive information and guidance during a session, all for the clients highest good.

Learn About Healing Touch & Reiki

Himalayan Singing Bowls

Every individual has a vibration that is a signature of their health and well-being. Like musical instruments, humans fall out of tune or out of vibrational harmony. Enjoy a session as Laurie uses hand-hammered Himalayan Chakra bowls to re-tune an individual back to a state of well-being.

Learn About Himalayan Singing Bowls

Intuitive Readings

We all have intuitive gifts, those ‘gut feelings’, those first impressions, when walking into a room or when thinking of an old friend just moments before your phone rings and it’s that friend.  Unique and highly individual, these private sessions provide an opportunity to discover your energy field and connect to the spirit within.  During an intuitive reading there can be processing, releasing, and transmuting of energies in the mental, emotional, and physical energy bodies.  A reading means, Laurie uses her intuition (spiritual sight, knowing, hearing, and feeling) to gather information from your own spirit to share with you. A reading can show you your strengths and abilities as well as shine a light on all that holds you back from all that you can be.

Learn About Intuitive Readings